Pilot Survey
I will be sharing my survey with a number of people, then get them to answer the questions that I have provided in my survey. I'll ask them how long it took if the questions make sense, were the questions invasive, do you have any advice for the wording or categories given.
For the question "Did the questions make sense" I realised I had the response box as a short answer when it should have been a choice between yes or no. I also had a spelling error in the title and the description below the title. The first error was I had "greymouth" instead of "Grey Mouth". The next error was I had "onwers" instead of "owners". These were both easily fixed. I also changed the description at the beginning of the survey to tell the people taking the survey on how long it would take, which was 5 or 10 minutes. I then said the only people taking this survey are people who had previously visited the Greymouth seaside top 10-holiday park.